TECHTALK: How Edge Can Be a Catalyst for Startup Innovation
Wednesday, August 28th, 2024 @ 11:00am CT / 4:00pm UTC
This TechTalk will air live on Dell’s LinkedIn.
In a rapidly changing tech-landscape, businesses are turning to edge to process their data faster and generate more valuable insights. This month, we’re discussing what edge actually involves and how it can deliver a significant boost to your startup’s efficiency.
Du wirst lernen:
- Best practices for how edge is delivering results for other businesses
- The benefits of real-time data insights
- Why edge plays an important role in supporting AI tools
Lautsprecher: Janine Wegner, Global Thought Leadership Strategy at Dell Technologies; Jess Pettigrew, NativeEdge Business Development Executive at Dell Technologies and Kasia Hanson, Global Sr. Director, Security Ecosystem Strategy – Intel Security Center of Excellence at Intel Corporation
Über Janine
Janine Wegner ist eine internationale Marketingleiterin, die für die globale Thought-Leadership-Strategie von Dell Technologies verantwortlich ist, um das Unternehmen als Technologievisionär und Innovator zu positionieren. Im letzten Jahrzehnt hat sie die Vision, Strategie und operative Ausrichtung für viele wirkungsvolle Marketingprogramme in lokalen, regionalen und globalen Teams festgelegt. Ihre Erfahrung reicht von digitalem, sozialem, Marken- und Thought-Leadership-Marketing und Kommunikation. Sie leitete außerdem die Strategie für die Unternehmerprogramme von Dell und fungierte als Stabschefin für das Entrepreneur-in-Residence Office. Vor Dell war sie in Marketingfunktionen bei eBay, Philips International und Start-ups tätig.
Janine ist Branchenrednerin und Gastdozentin zu Themen wie Social Media, Influencer Relations, Multi-Channel-Marketing und Thought Leadership. In den Jahren 2020 und 2023 wurde sie von TopRank Marketing zu einer der 20 besten Influencer-Marketing-Experten ernannt, denen man folgen sollte. Janine verfügt über zwei Bachelor- und drei Master-Abschlüsse von Universitäten in vier Ländern. Sie kommt ursprünglich aus Deutschland und lebt derzeit in Austin, Texas, USA.
About Jess
Jess Pettigrew is a dynamic Native Edge Development Executive, dedicated to helping organizations streamline their business processes and AI initiatives at the Edge. With a keen understanding of cutting-edge technologies, Jess excels in integrating AI solutions that enhance operational efficiency and drive innovation. Her expertise lies in bridging the gap between complex technical concepts and practical business applications.
Outside of her professional endeavors, Jess is passionate about optimizing the work anywhere experience. She frequently shares tips and strategies to help individuals create productive and balanced remote work environments. Additionally, Jess offers career advice in the tech industry, drawing from her extensive experience to guide aspiring professionals. Her commitment to continuous learning and sharing knowledge makes her a respected voice in the tech community.
About Kasia
Kasia Hanson leads Intel’s Global Security Ecosystem Strategy and Execution. She is responsible for shaping the strategy, orchestration, and go-to-market within Intel’s Security Center of Excellence. With over two decades of experience, she delivers digital transformation solutions across Edge, IoT/OT, AI, and cybersecurity. Kasia’s expertise spans security software and hardware, driving business outcomes in data protection and physical infrastructure. Recognized as a Top 40 Security Influencer by the Life Safety Alliance, she actively contributes to industry advancement and diversity initiatives. Kasia has chaired the Security Industry Association Women in Security Forum and serves on the WISF Executive Committee and SIA Cybersecurity Advisory Board. She received the 2022 SIA Progress Award and is a 3x Women in Security Power 100 honoree. In 2023, she earned the IIFX Women Innovator award in Sports and holds the title of Distinguished Fellow at the Innovation Institute for Fan Experience in Sports (IIFX).
