Preparing Your Business for AI in 2025
AI has transformed the workplace and business, turning basic tools into powerful drivers of innovation and productivity. As we come to the end of the year, global thought leaders will look ahead on how startup founders and small business owners can use this technology to unlock safer, more productive way of working and accelerate innovation.
- Learn how AI can enhance workplace safety and productivity for startups and small businesses.
- Discover strategies to use AI for driving innovation in the coming year.
- Gain insights on implementing AI to future-proof your business operations.
スピーカー: llie Danziger, SVP of AscentUP and Head of Brand & Product Marketing at Ascent Funding; Karen Plotkin, Senior Vice President, Client Solutions Product Operations and Strategy at Dell Technologies; and Janine Wegner, Global Thought Leadership Strategy at Dell Technologies
About Allie
A 2x exited founder, Allie has dedicated her career to upskilling, empowering, and mentoring early career professionals and students. To help close the skills gap from higher education to employment, Allie created Ampersand, a web-based professional development and training platform, which was acquired by Ascent Funding in 2023. The platform was relaunched as AscentUP, and now serves thousands of learners, corporations, nonprofits, and schools to help the next generation of the workforce build the skills and confidence to thrive.
Allie’s passion for improving accessibility to internships, career skills and mentorship, and increasing the pipeline of talented, diverse candidates in corporations through expanded access to education are the driving forces behind AscentUP. She and her Ascent colleagues share a mission of increasing income for students by $10 billion in five years.
Karen Plotkin is a 25-year veteran of Dell who is currently responsible for Client Solutions Strategy. She joined the strategy team after leading the Americas CSG Sales team for five years. Over the course of her career, Karen has also held multiple roles in sales and marketing including COC leadership, Small Business Sales, Consumer Merchandising and Small Business Marketing.
Karen is happiest at work when she is building winning teams and solving tough problems. She is also passionate about children and giving back to the community. Karen is on the board of Thinkery in Austin and an Executive Sponsor for the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Central and South Texas.
Karen has an MBA from McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin and a BA in Economics from Washington & Lee University.
Janine Wegner は、Dell Technologies をテクノロジーの先見者および革新者として位置づけるための世界的なソート リーダーシップ戦略を担当する国際的なマーケティング リーダーです。過去 10 年にわたり、彼女はローカル、地域、世界のチーム全体にわたる多くの影響力のあるマーケティング プログラムのビジョン、戦略、運営の方向性を設定してきました。彼女の経験は、デジタル、ソーシャル、ブランド、ソート リーダーシップのマーケティングとコミュニケーションに及びます。彼女はまた、デルの起業家精神プログラムの戦略を主導し、起業家常駐オフィスの首席補佐官も務めました。 Dell に入社する前は、eBay、Philips International、新興企業でマーケティングの役割を担っていました。
Janine は、ソーシャル メディア、インフルエンサーとの関係、マルチチャネル マーケティング、ソート リーダーシップなどのテーマについて業界の講演者およびゲスト講師を務めています。 2020 年と 2023 年に、TopRank Marketing は彼女を、フォローすべきインフルエンサー マーケティング専門家トップ 20 の 1 人に指名しました。ジャニーンは、4 か国の大学で 2 つの学士号と 3 つの修士号を取得しています。彼女はドイツ出身で、現在は米国テキサス州オースティンに住んでいます。
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