TECHTALK: Building a Successful, Future-Proof Startup Team
The most effective startup teams in the future will be multi-skilled, agile and diverse, and able to embrace change as the business grows. Join us to learn about the top skills needed for the future and how you can start building a future-proof team.
Join to discover:
- What to look for when making your next hire
- Ways to use technology to improve diversity in hiring
- How to foster a more equitable, enjoyable work culture
あbout Janine
Janine Wegner は、Dell Technologies をテクノロジーの先見者および革新者として位置づけるための世界的なソート リーダーシップ戦略を担当する国際的なマーケティング リーダーです。過去 10 年にわたり、彼女はローカル、地域、世界のチーム全体にわたる多くの影響力のあるマーケティング プログラムのビジョン、戦略、運営の方向性を設定してきました。彼女の経験は、デジタル、ソーシャル、ブランド、ソート リーダーシップのマーケティングとコミュニケーションに及びます。彼女はまた、デルの起業家精神プログラムの戦略を主導し、起業家常駐オフィスの首席補佐官も務めました。 Dell に入社する前は、eBay、Philips International、新興企業でマーケティングの役割を担っていました。
Janine は、ソーシャル メディア、インフルエンサーとの関係、マルチチャネル マーケティング、ソート リーダーシップなどのテーマについて業界の講演者およびゲスト講師を務めています。 2020 年と 2023 年に、TopRank Marketing は彼女を、フォローすべきインフルエンサー マーケティング専門家トップ 20 の 1 人に指名しました。ジャニーンは、4 か国の大学で 2 つの学士号と 3 つの修士号を取得しています。彼女はドイツ出身で、現在は米国テキサス州オースティンに住んでいます。
About Lawton
As General Partner at Capital Factory, Lawton sources, negotiates, and directs investments into early stage technology startups. The Capital Factory is known as the “center of gravity for tech entrepreneurs in Texas” and has been the most active early stage investor in Texas for the past 15 years. In addition to investing, Lawton advises the portfolio startups and connects them with other investors, mentors, and customers.
About Marlie
Marlie Andersch is an Air Force Veteran with over 30 years of IT experience. A hard worker with a competitive spirit and a set of core values that have driven her from climbing the corporate ladder at other technology companies to becoming Founder and CEO of rockITdata. rockITdata is a certified woman, minority, and veteran-owned business that provides professional services, management and strategy consulting, and IT development with a focus on data analytics and AI. Established six years ago, Marlie hit the ground running with rockITdata and grew her company to over 175 employees. Through persistence, taking leaps of faith, and following her core values, Marlie has built a business that is deeply rooted in the rockITway. The rockITway is to create “extraordinary impact by doing the right thing by our clients, company, and coworkers,” aligning to core values while always pushing themselves to think differently.
Prior to joining Capital Factory, Lawton was Partner at Notley Ventures where she invested across various sectors, including venture, real estate, and private equity and leveraged profits to fund and operate community-driven initiatives like Philanthropitch and HomeFront. Lawton practiced law in Manhattan and Austin, taught Commercial Law and Responsible Artificial Intelligence, served as the CEO of Austin100, and is proud to perhaps have the singular distinction of having served simultaneously on an ACLU Board of Directors and as a legal analyst for the Fox News Network.
DWEN テック トークについて