TECH TALK: Preparing Your Business for AI in 2025
Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 12pm CST / 7pm CET
This TechTalk will air live on LinkedIn. Add to calendar hier.
AI has transformed the workplace and business, turning basic tools into powerful drivers of innovation and productivity. As we come to the end of the year, global thought leaders will look ahead on how startup founders and small business owners can use this technology to unlock safer, more productive way of working and accelerate innovation.
Die zentralen Thesen:
- Learn how AI can enhance workplace safety and productivity for startups and small businesses.
- Discover strategies to use AI for driving innovation in the coming year.
- Gain insights on implementing AI to future-proof your business operations.
As a thank you for attending this session, DWEN members will have a chance to win an OptiPlex 7400 All-in-One or a Latitude 9440.
Lautsprecher: Allie Danziger, SVP of AscentUP and Head of Brand & Product Marketing at Ascent Funding; Sally Eaves, Founder of Tomorrow’s Tech Today and Aspirational Futures; Karen Plotkin, Senior Vice President, Client Solutions Product Operations and Strategy at Dell Technologies; and Janine Wegner, Global Thought Leadership Strategy at Dell Technologies
About Allie
A 2x exited founder, Allie has dedicated her career to upskilling, empowering, and mentoring early career professionals and students. To help close the skills gap from higher education to employment, Allie created Ampersand, a web-based professional development and training platform, which was acquired by Ascent Funding in 2023. The platform was relaunched as AscentUP, and now serves thousands of learners, corporations, nonprofits, and schools to help the next generation of the workforce build the skills and confidence to thrive.
Allie’s passion for improving accessibility to internships, career skills and mentorship, and increasing the pipeline of talented, diverse candidates in corporations through expanded access to education are the driving forces behind AscentUP. She and her Ascent colleagues share a mission of increasing income for students by $10 billion in five years.
About Sally
Professor Sally Eaves has been described as the ‘torchbearer for ethical tech’. She is an international advocate for opening access to opportunity and has founded Aspirational Futures to help skill, empower and support the generation of interdisciplinary talent into careers yet to be conceived, alongside scaling the application of emergent technology as an enabler for business transformation and social good. Sally is also Social Impact lead for the Hult Prize and contributes to parliamentary policy thought leadership. She was an inaugural recipient of the Frontier Technology and Social Impact award, presented at the United Nations in 2018 and is now leading major initiatives in this area, including presenting at Davos and leading events worldwide.
Sally also brings a depth of experience from both Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer roles, as a Professor in Advanced Technologies and as a Global Strategic Advisor. She specializes in the application and integration of Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and associated emergent technologies for business and societal benefit. Sally works globally with bleeding-edge disruptors, governments, academia and leading corporate institutions to apply her expertise for achieving sustainable competitive advantage alongside purpose-driven change. A senior policy advisor for the Global Foundation of Cyber Studies, she is also actively researching cybersecurity advances from enterprise to SME.
Sally is a member of the Forbes Technology Council and an award-winning international keynote speaker, author and external expert with globally leading rankings across all advanced technology disciplines, digital transformation, future of work and social innovation aligned to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. She has recently been ranked 8th in the World in Blockchain impact and is continually ranked in the top 10 for digital disruption and across frontier technology subjects.
Über Karen
Karen Plotkin is a 25-year veteran of Dell who is currently responsible for Client Solutions Strategy. She joined the strategy team after leading the Americas CSG Sales team for five years. Over the course of her career, Karen has also held multiple roles in sales and marketing including COC leadership, Small Business Sales, Consumer Merchandising and Small Business Marketing.
Karen is happiest at work when she is building winning teams and solving tough problems. She is also passionate about children and giving back to the community. Karen is on the board of Thinkery in Austin and an Executive Sponsor for the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Central and South Texas.
Karen has an MBA from McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin and a BA in Economics from Washington & Lee University.
Über Janine
Janine Wegner ist eine internationale Marketingleiterin, die für die globale Thought-Leadership-Strategie von Dell Technologies verantwortlich ist, um das Unternehmen als Technologievisionär und Innovator zu positionieren. Im letzten Jahrzehnt hat sie die Vision, Strategie und operative Ausrichtung für viele wirkungsvolle Marketingprogramme in lokalen, regionalen und globalen Teams festgelegt. Ihre Erfahrung reicht von digitalem, sozialem, Marken- und Thought-Leadership-Marketing und Kommunikation. Sie leitete außerdem die Strategie für die Unternehmerprogramme von Dell und fungierte als Stabschefin für das Entrepreneur-in-Residence Office. Vor Dell war sie in Marketingfunktionen bei eBay, Philips International und Start-ups tätig.
Janine ist Branchenrednerin und Gastdozentin zu Themen wie Social Media, Influencer Relations, Multi-Channel-Marketing und Thought Leadership. In den Jahren 2020 und 2023 wurde sie von TopRank Marketing zu einer der 20 besten Influencer-Marketing-Experten ernannt, denen man folgen sollte. Janine verfügt über zwei Bachelor- und drei Master-Abschlüsse von Universitäten in vier Ländern. Sie kommt ursprünglich aus Deutschland und lebt derzeit in Austin, Texas, USA.
By attending this virtual event, you agree to accept the terms and agreement for the giveaway of an OptiPlex 7400 All-in-One or a Latitude 9440.
