Amber Chapman
Gründerin/GeschäftsinhaberinMeine DWEN-Details
Vorname | Bernstein |
Nachname | Chapman |
Site-Spitzname oder bevorzugter Name (muss eindeutig sein) | amber.chapman |
Profiltyp auswählen | Gründerin/Geschäftsinhaberin |
Berufsbezeichnung | Gründer |
Unternehmen | Nayberly |
Land | Vereinigte Staaten |
Industrie | Konsumgüter und Dienstleistungen |
Mehr über mich und mein Unternehmen
Meine Biografie | Although I’ve worked for a defense contractor managing over $375M in contracts as a Sr. Financial Analyst for 7 years, I gained a wealth of my experience from a nationwide serving private company that grew from 120 employees to 550 employees in 5 years. As the resident company “fixer” I went into departments, learned their processes and improved their effectiveness and efficiency by refining or developing and implementing new processes. I lived and breathed free enterprise, direct response marketing, strategic planning, data analytics, communications, HR, compliance and business operations for those 5 years. Although one of the most challenging times in my career there, that opportunity not only offered me a unique skill set, but it also fed my passion for entrepreneurship, community and professional development. I’ve previously opened several small businesses that did not flourish, but now I feel confident about my direction and my business. Frustrated with how culturally, we lack care, concern, respect and appreciation for senior citizens, I transitioned to further develop and serve full time as CEO for Nayberly. I am passionate about helping families navigate the challenge of helping their loved ones live safely, independently and comfortably in their homes. In my spare time I serve on the Board of Advisors for a local mental health clinic, volunteer with a non profit leadership development initiative and am an active member at my church. I believe that my purpose on this earth involves connecting people and strengthening our communities through collaboration and partnerships. |
Unternehmenswebseite | |
Persönliche oder Firmen-Twitter-URL | @iamamberrenee |
Persönlicher oder Firmen-Instragram-Handle | @amberrchapman |
Staat oder Ort | DC Metro Area |