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H7 Holdings, Inc.


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Mehr über mich und mein Unternehmen

Meine Biografie

Professionally, I am a business consultant and hopeless entrepreneur.  In my day job I am an advisor with the Florida SBDC (Small Business Development Center) where I consult with existing and prospective small business owners on any and all things small business.  Here are just a few of the areas on which I work with my clients – marketing, finance, strategic planning, writing business plans, starting a business, social media, hiring and firing, getting a bank or SBA loan, and how to grow a business.  One of the things I love about this job is that every day contains different sets of challenges and opportunities for my clients and I get to help them succeed and achieve their goals.  

As An Entrepreneur

I have a passion for entrepreneurship and love all the activities involved in that life path.  Helping others set and achieve goals is something at which I excel.  And sharing great resources, “hacks”, tidbits of information that can help others in their life journey is what gives me an adrenaline rush.  As such, I consume quite a bit of information daily.  In fact, due to my various activities, I am fortunate to have access to loads and loads of fantastic information and tools.  I made my New Year’s Resolution for 2020 to be better at getting that information out –  hence I finally launched this website!  My perfect small business is helping others take their dreams or ideas to fruition.  

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