InnovateHer – AI フォーラム

InnovateHer – AI フォーラム

January 19, 2024 from 4:30-7:30PM CST

活気に満ちた FC スタジアムで開催される Dell Technologies の InnovateHER AI フォーラムは、テクノロジー/AI 業界の女性投資家、起業家、コミュニティ リーダー間のより強いつながりを促進することに特化した特別な集まりです。

• 意図的なネットワーキング: 同じ考えを持つ専門家やテクノロジー業界のパイオニアとつながりましょう。
• デルのパブリック ディスプレイ: 企業イノベーション チームと製品チームによるデルの最新イノベーションを体験してください。
• パネル ディスカッション – 善のための AI: AI をより大きな善のためにどのように活用できるかについて、各専門家が独自の視点をもたらす多様な専門家パネルと交流します。

• ネットワークを拡大する: ここテキサス州オースティンで女性起業家のエコシステムを構築しているコミュニティのリーダーと会い、協力しましょう。
• 洞察を得る: テクノロジーと AI の分野で成功した女性の経験とストーリーから学びます。
• インスピレーションを得る: 新しい可能性を発見し、テクノロジーの世界で何を達成できるかを確認してください。

***Limited seats, please register your interest, and we will review your application*** Free event to join for all


Amber Allen, CEO and Founder, Double A Labs

リンクトイン: in/amberallendoublea/

X: @AmberAllen_AA

Double A Labs の CEO 兼創設者である Amber Allen は、革新的なビデオ チャット プラットフォームでビジネス コミュニケーションに革命を起こしています。このプラットフォームは、リモート作業環境とオフィス内の作業環境の間のギャップを効果的に橋渡しし、効率的で魅力的な仮想体験を促進します。 Double A Labs の顧客には、Dell、Disney、AT&T、IBM、Google、Whole Foods、および Cleveland Cavaliers が含まれます。アンバーは起業家としての努力以外にも、テキサス大学のゲーム開発およびデザイン プログラム、ファッション工科大学 (FIT)、雷電科学財団、児童保護センターの理事として積極的に貢献しています。彼女は、若手大統領組織のためのテクノロジー ネットワーク (YPO) の会長を務めています。

Panel Speakers

Janine Wegner, Global Thought Leadership Strategist, Dell Technologies     

リンクトイン: /in/janinewegner

X: @JanineWegner

Janine Wegner is an international marketing leader responsible for Dell Technologies’ global thought leadership strategy to position the company as technology visionary and innovator.

Over the past decade, she has set the vision, strategy, and operational direction for many impactful marketing programs across local, regional and global teams. Her experience ranges from digital, social, brand and thought leadership marketing and communications. She also led the strategy for Dell’s entrepreneurship programs and acted as Chief of Staff for the Entrepreneur-in-Residence Office. Prior to Dell, she worked in marketing roles at eBay, Philips International, and start-ups.

Janine は、ソーシャル メディア、インフルエンサーとの関係、マルチチャネル マーケティング、ソート リーダーシップなどのテーマについて業界の講演者およびゲスト講師を務めています。 2020 年と 2023 年に、TopRank Marketing は彼女を、フォローすべきインフルエンサー マーケティング専門家トップ 20 の 1 人に指名しました。ジャニーンは、4 か国の大学で 2 つの学士号と 3 つの修士号を取得しています。彼女はドイツ出身で、現在は米国テキサス州オースティンに住んでいます。

Emily Apte, Counsel, Government Matters Practice Group, King & Spalding

リンクトイン: /in/emily-apte/

Emily Apte advises and defends clients in complex white-collar criminal and regulatory matters involving federal government, state government, and internal investigations, as well as provides crisis management counseling.  Her experience includes representing individuals and companies in high-stakes and sensitive situations across multiple industries – technology, pharmaceutical, energy, automotive, and financial services.

Rashmi Bachrach, Senior Director, Intel Client Product Portfolio Management, Intel Corporation

リンクトイン: in/rashmi-bachrach/

Rashmi Bachrach is a business management leader with over 19 years of experience at Intel. In her current role as head of the client portfolio management team in CCG, Rashmi is responsible for developing, publishing, and communicating the near-term product roadmap. She also oversees the Portfolio Technology Messaging and Marketing Group responsible for evangelizing Performance, Platform and AI technologies. Rashmi is well known for her strategic vision and business insights and partners closely with finance to drive revenue and margin optimization strategies. Her previous roles at Intel include competitive analysis, pricing, and transforming the long-range demand and supply planning capabilities, using databases and modeling to enable 5-year P&L assessments of various roadmap and business scenarios.

Outside of Intel, Rashmi is passionate about locally-sourced and sustainably-produced food and runs an educational-minded small farm in Almaden Valley. She received her Master’s of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB).

Sarah Burkhart, Senior Director, Product Management, Dell Technologies

リンクトイン: /in/sarah-burkhart

Sarah Burkhart is the Senior Director of Product Management for Software and Experiences in the Dell Client Solutions Group. Sarah is a seasoned product management leader who has built a career around moving the needle for the experiences our customers have with the Dell client portfolio. Her team defines and delivers innovative solutions for Dell PCs that delight end users and enterprise IT decision-makers at a time when people’s expectations about their PC are rapidly evolving.

A native Texan, she and her family of five (three young boys!) keep busy and active exploring all there is to do in Central Texas.

Rika Nakazawa, Group Vice President, and Chief Sustainability Innovation Officer, NTT Data Inc

リンクトイン: /in/rikanakazawa/

Rika is a technology leader, VC investor, best-selling author, and frequent public speaker on technology-powered industry transformation. She is Global Vice President with NTT’s New Ventures & Innovation team where she is building Agile Co-innovation practices for emerging technologies like 5G, Edge Computing, AI, and IoT. In her additional role as Head of Sustainability for Americas at NTT, Rika is driving NTT’s sustainability ambition in operations while also orchestrating the go-to-market for NTT’s climate-positive solutions across their portfolio of digital infrastructure solutions.  For 2 consecutive years in 2022 and 2023, Rika has been awarded “Power 70” and “Power 80” recognition for the Women of Channel awards with The Channel Co’s CRN network. She has also been ranked as “Top 100  in Emerging Tech” by Women of the Future.

Trilingual in Japanese, German, and English, Rika grew up in Japan and moved to the US to attend Princeton University. Rika has since worked internationally in senior executive roles in strategy, business development, consulting, and marketing with Fortune 500 companies – Accenture, NVIDIA, Capgemini, Sony – and Silicon Valley startups.

Rika is the best-selling author of “Dear Chairwoman” – featuring the trials and triumphs of women corporate board leaders.  Her next book, featuring the intersection of sustainability, digital innovation, and the pandemic, is called “Beyond the Black Swan: How the Pandemic and Digital Innovation Intensified the Sustainability Imperative- Everywhere” and will be released by the elite publisher Taylor & Francis in January 2024.


2024 年 1 月 19 日


4:30 pm - 7:30 pm


FC オースティン Q2 スタジアム

