Member Voices: Walking In Your Power – Transforming Toxic Perfectionism into Flawsome Confidence

Join DWEN for a thought-provoking conversation as attendees learn to transmute toxic perfectionism and its detrimental effects by becoming a practicing Flawsomist.

Learn how to embrace imperfections to decrease stress levels and strive for excellence. In this session, the speaker will debunk the myths of failure and celebrate the benefits of incorporating your flaws into your leadership instead — empowering you to walk in your power with flawsome confidence as you enhance your leadership capacity and collaboration with others.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Feel empowered to consciously lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, leading to better clarity and confidence in all aspects of your work and life.
  • Enhanced Relationships: Increase levels of acceptance, belonging, and connection with yourself and others by honoring and celebrating our individual flaws with dignity.
  • Increased Creativity and Resilience: Reduce toxic perfectionism and enhance your creativity and resilience. Helping you to foster a positive attitude towards continuous improvement and personal growth.

About Michele

Michele Molitor is a trailblazer in personal transformation. Utilizing her expertise as a transformational coach, clinical hypnotherapist, speaker, and author, her work intentionally addresses the pervasive mental health crisis we face today. As CEO of Nectar Consulting, Inc., her mission is to empower busy professionals to conquer anxiety, self-doubt, and toxic stress, paving the way for fulfilling lives and careers.

Affectionately dubbed “The Mind Detective” by her clients, Michele’s innovative Rapid Rewiring™ approach effectively combines neuroscience and positive psychology with the healing powers of somatic and mindfulness practices. The results? Tangible improvements that make a real, lasting difference in people’s lives.

She is a thought-provoking guest expert, speaker, and writer on the topics of imposter syndrome, perfectionism, burnout, and bringing dignity into the workplace. And her latest book, “I Am Perfectly Flawsome: How Embracing Imperfection Makes Us Better,” co-authored with Tom Collins, has become a #1 internationally best-seller! Along with its companion, the I Am Perfectly Flawsome Journal.

Michele’s insights have graced multiple media outlets and conferences, offering actionable advice for personal and professional growth. You can find more of her published writing at Brainz Magazine, YourTango, Medium, Substack, MSN, Flipboard, SelfGrowth, Lifehack, and The Mogul Mom. She has spoken at various leadership conferences nationwide such as the UC Berkeley Women’s Initiative Conference, IEEE Leadership Conference for Women, SHRM Leadership Development Forum, NCCEP, and SSATB. Michele’s vision is to help create thriving work cultures where emotional well-being is fostered through acceptance, belonging, and connection to foster a culture of dignity.

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