Canada COVID-19 Resources

Canada COVID-19 Resources

The Canada Revenue Agency released the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy application guide (targeted at employers) on April 26th. The link is available online. Note that applications opened on April 28e.  There are three ways to apply:


  1.  Most businesses may apply using the CRA “My Business Account”.
  2. Business representatives may apply using Represent a Client (note:  only representatives authorized at Level 2 or 3 will be able to apply).
  3. If neither are an option, the Government has said it will have a Web Forms application available as long as the business has a web access code.


In summary:


  1. Businesses need to show a decline of 15 % in revenue for the month of March to qualify for the first claim period (in recognition of the fact that many businesses were forced to shut down halfway through March), and 30% for April and May.
  2. Businesses may now elect to compare revenues in March, April, and May to revenues in previous months this year (i.e., January and February) for the purposes of demonstrating the decline.
  3. Charities and non-profits may choose whether or not to include revenues from governments (including grants) in calculations when applying for the CEWS on the basis of a 30% decline.
  4. Eligible Employees: Eligibility rules for employees have now been released. Employees must be resident in Canada and must not be off work for more than 14 days in any claim period.
  5. Accounting Methods: Businesses may elect to use cash-based accounting ou alors accrual-based accounting methods, but not a combination of both, when determining eligibility for the CEWS.  This was designed to address concerns around invoices being issued that may ultimately not be paid.