Voix des membres : Comment définir des limites dans votre entreprise : 5 étapes pour créer du temps et de l'espace dans votre calendrier

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 @ 12pm CT / 5pm UTC

Join us as Rashelle Isip, Productivity Consultant and Time Management Coach, explains how to set boundaries in your business in order to create more time and space to successfully run your business and enjoy your personal life.

Women entrepreneurs know they need to set boundaries for themselves, but often find themselves falling short because of busy schedules and calendars. Rashelle will uncover why women find it difficult to set boundaries in business, create an abundant time management mindset, how to overcome limiting beliefs about boundaries, and practical steps women can take to protect their time and feel great in the process.

Three key takeaways:
1. How to set and maintain boundaries in your business
2. How to manage your mindset in order to effectively manage your time
3. Uncover the power to create time and space for what’s important in your business and personal life

Speaker: Rashelle Isip, Productivity Consultant and Time Management Coach

Rashelle Isip is a New York City-based productivity consultant, time management coach, speaker, and author who helps entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals effectively manage their time and energy so they can reduce stress, work less, and make more money in their businesses and careers. She is founder of The Order Expert® and is a regular contributing columnist for Inc.com where she writes about productivity, time management, and work-life balance. She has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, The Washington Post, Business Insider, and NPR. She is author of four books including, The Order Expert’s Guide to Time Management.

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Avr 16 2024


12h00 - 13h00
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