勤務日の心配者から戦士へ: シンプルで実行可能な手順でストレスを解消し、勤務日の苦痛を取り除きます
気づかないうちに膝が跳ねていませんか?メールを読んでいるときに、ペンを回したり、ペンの端を噛んだりすることはありませんか?十分な睡眠をとった後でも、目が疲れていると感じませんか?思考を処理しているときに、首や肩をつかんだりこすったりしますか?これらの質問の 1 つでも「はい」と答えた場合、あなたはストレスが身体的に現れていることを意味します。そこでアレッサが介入します。彼女のシンプルなツールとテクニックを共有するので、ぜひご参加ください。これは、勤務日やワークスペースに合わせて設計されており、持続可能な高い生産性を生み出し、ストレスを軽減するのに役立ちます。さらに、仕事の時間を奪うことなく、より強くて健康的な体を構築することもできます。
About Alessa
Alessa Caridi is a certified IM=X Pilates instructor, artist, dance technician, and functional fitness speaker. She has a passion for perfecting her healthy self, fully understanding the wonderful machine that is the human body, and passing along her knowledge to her clients. Alessa’s passions were ignited during her time at University of California, Los Angeles where she studied anatomy and performing arts and obtained her B.A. in World Arts and Cultures, Dance Concentration.
While studying at UCLA, Alessa had the privilege of spending half a year abroad – a summer in Paris and a semester in Florence. During her time abroad, she not only experienced dance in different countries, but she also learned from the cultures around her. More often these people are less stressed, take time for themselves and their families, and above all else, live healthier lives.
Alessa’s last move took her, her husband, a Captain in the United States Marine Corps, and their miniature poodle to Okinawa, Japan. There she taught Mat Pilates classes on the military base and, with all her success, she opened her own, and first to the island, Pilates Studio- AlePilates. In their three years on the island, she experienced first hand what makes Okinawans some of the healthiest, longest living people on this planet.
And that’s when she knew the Okinawans’ habits needed to come to America. It is from this period of her life that JōbuFIT was conceived.
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