燃え尽き症候群を防ぎ、より幸せになる: 中小企業の経営者とスタートアップ企業のためのヒント



Lindse is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst from Louisville, Kentucky, with more than 15 years of experience working in the field of behavioral health. She has dedicated much of her career to serving individuals with developmental disabilities, neuro-cognitive disorders, co-occurring conditions, and severe mental illness. Lindse has received multiple master’s degrees in applied behavior analysis and business administration. She was a participant in the Executive CEO Leadership training program with Universal Health Services Inc. and has spent the last five years working as a healthcare executive in both free-standing and acute care organizations. She has also received specialized training in Crisis Incident Stress Debriefing.


私たちの DWEN エンパワーアワー ウェビナーは、DWEN Distinction によって推進されています。これは、私たちが外に出てそれを行ったために「それを理解した」女性を招集するという私たちの遺産です。私たちは、実践的なビジネス感覚を構築し、ビジネス インテリジェンスを成長させ、思考を刺激する洞察と対話を通じて先見の明を育みます。これらはすべて、1 つの使命を念頭に置いています。 
