Dell Women's Entrepreneurs Network (DWEN) に最近参加した方も、メンバーになることを検討している方も、このウェビナーは、DWEN の特典を最大限に活用し、コミュニティを活用して起業家としての歩みを成功させる方法を学ぶ絶好の機会です。

During this webcast, you will be introduced to the DWEN mission and the features of the community. You will learn about exclusive access to resources and events, mentor and networking opportunities, and rewards such as discounts, prizes and subscriptions. You will hear from some of our long-standing members who will share their experiences and success stories with you. Get involved by participating with a Chapter, geographically based groups, or special interest groups, to maximize shared knowledge and networking opportunities.

The DWEN team will guide your through the tools of the website and provide additional information to help you make the most of your membership. You are on the right direction to take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of DWEN.
