A sua história pode valer novas tecnologias
Queremos conhecer a sua história!
Seu próximo </16grande passo <25pode ser por nossa conta. </25
Since first launching our DWEN Dream Tech Contest in 2021, we’ve awarded more than $400K worth of Dell technology in the US, UK, Germany, India, Australia and Japan. The overwhelming success for Dream Tech inspired us to expand its potential by staging launches worldwide.
Share your boldest ambitions and unique business story for a chance to win tech solutions
to next level your business.
We look forward to hearing more great stories from you when we launch the
next Dream Tech season (dates to be confirmed).
Cronograma de eventos – watch your email for announcements for upcoming contests.
DWEN members who can enter:
- If not already a DWEN member, by applying to the DWEN Dream Tech Contest, you will automatically become a DWEN member!
- A empresa precisa ter até 100 funcionários registrados em seu país
- A empresa precisa ter sido fundada/cofundada por mulheres ou ser de propriedade/copropriedade de mulheres