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Mulher Fundadora/Empresária

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Mulher Fundadora/Empresária


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Minha biografia

Jessica Traver blends expertise and passion in product development and business strategy with a strong technical background in mechanical engineering. She began her career doing research at Purdue University, where she led a variety of projects ranging from sports injury and concussion prevention to customizable prosthetic e as exoskeleton design. In addition to her research, Jessica has worked as an R&D engineer for an ophthalmic medical device company in the Bay Area called IRIDEX, where she optimized the design of a new surgical device for user ease and comfort, and maximized the functionality of the device.  


In 2015, Jessica landed a highly coveted position in the TMC Biodesign Innovation Fellowship, where she and 3 teammates spent months rotating in the Texas Medical Center hospitals identifying opportunities for innovation in healthcare, and building out what is now IntuiTap Medical.

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