Commencer petit, voir grand : bâtir une culture de l’innovation

Une culture de l’innovation ne se crée pas du jour au lendemain, mais de petits changements progressifs peuvent produire des résultats puissants. Rejoignez-nous pour explorer comment les startups peuvent aligner leurs collaborateurs, leurs processus et leurs technologies pour accélérer l'innovation et renforcer leur résilience.

À propos des conférenciers

À propos de Janine

Janine Wegner is an international marketing leader responsible for Dell Technologies’ global thought leadership strategy to position the company as technology visionary and innovator. Over the past decade, she has set the vision, strategy, and operational direction for many impactful marketing programs across local, regional and global teams. Her experience ranges from digital, social, brand and thought leadership marketing and communications. She also led the strategy for Dell’s entrepreneurship programs and acted as Chief of Staff for the Entrepreneur-in-Residence Office. Prior to Dell, she worked in marketing roles at eBay, Philips International, and start-ups.

Janine is an industry speaker and guest lecturer on topics such as social media, influencer relations, multi-channel marketing and thought leadership. In 2020 and 2023, TopRank Marketing named her one of the Top 20 Influencer Marketing Experts to Follow. Janine holds two Bachelor and three Master degrees from universities across 4 countries. She’s originally from Germany and currently resides in Austin, Texas, USA.

About Kristian

Kristian designs and implements innovative solutions for her client’s business challenges, using her skills in business consulting, management, strategic marketing, and writing. She has contributed to multiple projects across various industries, such as automotive, travel, consumer goods and manufacturing, delivering high-quality content and insights that inspire action, growth and change.

As a consultant and brand developer for Colorado Campworks, she applies her passion and expertise in sustainable and resilient travel to create and manage the brand identity and communication strategy of a leading off-road camper trailer company. Kristian has also been involved in the development and patenting of a new fuel chemistry that reduces emissions and increases efficiency for vehicles and generators. From that project, Wunder Institute, a non-profit stemmed, which aims to connect women innovators with resources and community to research and develop life-improving processes or devices. Through her work, she aims to promote a more environmentally and socially conscious lifestyle that actively supports female entrepreneurs.

About Monica

Monica Livingston is the Head of the AI Center of Excellence at Intel, where she is responsible for bringing AI solutions to customers using Intel technology. She has previously held roles in large account management, field applications engineering, hardware design and graphics sales. In addition to her passion for technology, Monica is also committed to increasing access to STEM education and helping others to succeed in their careers. She holds a Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from the University of Florida and an MBA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

À propos des discussions techniques DWEN

De la startup à la petite entreprise établie, la technologie joue un rôle clé dans votre réussite. Rejoignez-nous pour apprendre des conseillers Dell Small Business, des experts en la matière et des partenaires comme Microsoft et Intel pour comprendre le rôle que joue la technologie dans votre entreprise et comment l'utiliser pour croître et évoluer.

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