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Grow & Scale an
Early-Stage Company


Grow & Scale an Early-Stage Company


  • Take note of all of your processes so it’s easier to communicate once you start hiring someone
  • Understand your target market and make sure they’re acquirable
  • Networking is helping out people, so they’ll be eager to help you too
  • Marketing generalists and growth hackers should be your first hires
  • To make your product sticky, integrate it into their daily lives

Every business owner dreams of taking their company to new heights, but scaling an early-stage business is no easy task. But with the right strategies and people, you can grow your team and scale your revenue. ベニッシュ・シャー is a startup operator, go-to-market expert, and lawyer. She helps founders bring their products to market and scale their revenue.  Benish shares strategies to document your process, hire your first marketers, and ensure your customers keep coming back.  

What’s the first thing that business owners do to scale their business?  

The big thing is about documenting the process. What we end up doing is just taking action. But the moment you hire someone–even an intern–you’ll have to explain everything from scratch. Just start a simple Google Doc and write everything down. You can always go in and change it later. You don’t need fancy tools to get started.  

How do you choose your target market?  

The big question is this: what am I making, and who will buy it? How do I know the people who are going to buy it?  

If you have a candle company and sell your candle for $20, why are you selling it for $20 when everybody else is selling it for $7? What makes your candle worth $20? Who is the person who’s going to buy this candle?  

More importantly, you have to understand if this target market is acquirable for you. For example, I was doing social strategy early in my career, and my target audience was Fortune 500 companies. But I knew no one in those companies. The target market was not acquirable for me.  

What’s the best way to start growing a new business?  

Networking. When the word ネットワーキング is used, people often think of going to networking events.  Most of the time, networking is making friends with as many people as possible and making sure you’re there for them. And if they need something you’re able to give, give it. I call it The Godfather effect. Do as many favors as possible.  So, when the time comes that you might need help, people will go out of their way to help you.  

What’s the best strategy when hiring your first marketer? 

If your business is in the early stage, you need a marketing generalist. This is somebody who understands the brand but also cares enough about data. They are people who typically stay in a company for two to three years. And then they leave because they like that initial feeling of getting their hands in everything.  

In early-stage companies, you hire people, and then you get frustrated because you feel like they’re not doing what you asked them to do. But what’s happening is you hired the wrong person to do the thing that you want them to do, but not the thing that they know how to do.  

How do you make your product “sticky”?  

The way you make your service sticky is by making it so easy to use and integrated into the daily life of your customer that it’s just a pain for them to leave you. That’s what it comes down to. But if they don’t like their account manager, they will leave. As for the content and marketing perspective, create information they truly care about and can’t find elsewhere.  

Stardust の ESQ、Benish Shah について

Benish is an award-winning, industry-agnostic go-to-market strategist with more than 10 years of experience taking companies and products to market and growing businesses. Winner of the 2019 Amazing Women in eCommerce Award, she’s worked across CPG, SaaS, media, and fashion. Benish served as the Chief Growth Officer at ループ・アンド・タイ 従業員数が 5 人から 20 人以上に増え、2 年以内に収益が 3 倍になりました。彼女は、COVID 2020 危機の際に支援するために 6 か月足らずで $10M+ を調達した非営利団体である COVID Tech Connect の創設メンバーです。

それ以前は、レイズド リアル (ワンス アポン ア ファームが買収) のマーケティング担当副社長を務め、会社を全国に広め、ブランドを刷新し、収益を 800% 増加させ、ハリウッドのニッキー リードを投資家およびアドバイザーとして迎え入れました。 RR の前は、Refinery29 で製品マーケティングの責任者を務め、製品マーケティング、ユーザー調査、および製品戦略機能を作成しました。 Refinery29 では、R29 の最初のアプリを立ち上げ、アフィリエイト収益戦略を刷新し、テクノロジーと独自のデータと研究を通じて収益を生み出し、同社の最高の 29Rooms エクスペリエンスのマーケティングを主導しました。 Benish は DoSomething.org と VentureForce Global のアドバイザーです。 2008 年にエモリー大学の人道賞を受賞したベニッシュは、She's the First の 10 周年記念ガラ、DoSomething.org、Chicken & Egg、CAMP-NY、Iqra Fund など、非営利団体のマーケティングおよび資金調達戦略について助言しています。

ベニッシュは、エモリー大学ロースクールで法学博士号を取得し、ジョージ ワシントン大学で学士号を取得しています。


私たちの DWEN エンパワーアワー ウェビナーは、DWEN Distinction によって推進されています。これは、私たちが外に出てそれを行ったために「それを理解した」女性を招集するという私たちの遺産です。私たちは、実践的なビジネス感覚を構築し、ビジネス インテリジェンスを成長させ、思考を刺激する洞察と対話を通じて先見の明を育みます。これらはすべて、1 つの使命を念頭に置いています。 Empower Hour の各エピソードは、長年の DWEN メンバーによってホストされています。 GetWiseの創設者、キャスリン・ローズ との会話で 業界の専門家、 その後、ライブ Q&A とプラットフォーム内ネットワーキングが続きます。 2020 年の最初の放送以来、私たちのエピソードは、世界中の 10,000 人を超える女性起業家の成長を後押ししてきました。
