Trends and Technology that Shape the Future of Work for Small Business

Now more than ever, it’s key to understand future technology and how it can help you be more connected, secure, and productive as a small business owner. Join us to hear from a Microsoft expert, Yana Terukhova, Director of Product Marketing, Microsoft, on the key trends and technology for future of work – real time collaboration, security and cost savings and how you can harness the full potential to make your business grow.

About Yana

Yana stands behind 15 years of product marketing experience in the technology industry. Her long-term aspiration is to share her marketing experience with others and consult businesses and organizations on effective marketing strategies. She communicates product values and benefits to customers through marketing programs on a global level. Yana helps define product strategies: “Not because we can build something, we should do it”. Her passion is to articulate vision through developing successful product marketing strategies to help businesses and individuals achieve more.

About DWEN Tech Talks

From startup to established small business, technology plays a key part in driving your success. Join us to learn from Dell Small Business Advisors, subject matter experts, and partners like Microsoft and Intel to understand the role technology plays in your business and how to use it to grow and scale.

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